
Journalistic is a micro journaling app with minimalistic design, pristine writing experience, and powerful insights.

The ultimate goal of Journalistic is to help you focus on what truly matters in life and to provide a place where you can write down and organize all the things that occupy your mind.

Our app is optimized for a distraction-free writing experience so that you can express your thoughts clearly.

While you write, Journalistic aggregates information from your entries, tags, mentions, etc. and compiles them into meaningful insights, e.g. how many times you went surfing in the last month or where and when you have met someone for the first time.

Design Principles

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
– Leonardo da Vinci

Interactions should feel instant, lag breaks flow.

Surface what you need, when you need it, hide everything else.

Being surrounded by beautiful things makes us happy.

Progressive interaction
Start simple, add complexity later.

Play to learn
Playfully learn how use things without reading manuals.

UX is everything
Everything we do is focused on user experience.

Based on Study and Research

Most of the features in Journalistic are based on or influenced by great books and concepts from the fields of Neuro Science and Psychology.

Related reading includes:

Discover more in our Library.

Inspired by Magic

We perceive things as magical if they exceed our expectations in a way that leaves us in awe and that we deemed impossible. We strive to create an experience that feels like magic.

Amazing community

Journalistic wouldn't be half as good without you. Incredible feedback is coming in every day and many of the great features you'll find in the app have been suggested by users like you.

You can actively support the development of Journalistic by joining the discussion, spreading the word, and sharing Journalistic with your friends.

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Journalistic is a Progressive Web App. PWAs are fast, reliable, and always up to date. They provide a consistent experience across different devices and are available in the browser and as an app via Chrome and Safari on Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux. We chose this technology over native apps to support the open web and to be independent of big corporations – specifically Apple and Google. It also allows us to develop and ship new features faster and serve all users at the same time. PWAs provide a seamless user experience and are ideal for our use case.


Journalistic is built with Django, Nuxt, Vite, and a lot of other amazing open-source software.

Aloha Spirit 🌺

Journalistic is designed and crafted in the spirit of Aloha:

Aloha Spirit is the coordination of mind and heart within each person. It brings each person to the self. Each person must think and emote good feelings to others.” – §5-7.5 Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes